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Številka oglasa: 199281

Podarim: Zaslužite z reševanjem anket (3€ na anketo)

Šentjur, 10.09.2014:

Z reševanjem anket na spletni strani: http://all-encuestas.com/?ref=352335 - dobite 3€ na rešno anketo. - vsak dan lahko rešite 5 anket. (Na daN lahko zaslužite 15€, na mesec 450€) - izplačilo je vsak mesec (6.ga v mesecu)
- ko dosežeš vsoto 300€ ti denar nakazujejo na paypal račun
- na en računalnik se lahko registrira le ena oseba
- spletna stran je v španščini, vendar je enostavna Vsak dan vam bo vzelo pol urce časa da poklikate ankete. Vsekako se splača preizskusiti. 15€ na dan je 450€ na mesec Link: http://all-encuestas.com/?ref=352335 Potek registracije:
[PHONE NUMBER] Anketna vprašanja:
1) Did you like the video?
Yes, I liked it a lot.
The video was good.
The video was good, but I didn't like it that much.
I didn't like the video, it wasn't interesting.
I didn't like the video, it was awful.
2) At what moment did you understand the video?
Right away.
After 2/3 of the Video.
After half of the video.
At the end of the video.
I didn't understand the video.
3) To what extent was interesting the video?
Very interesting.
A little interesting.
Not that much interesting.
Nothing interesting at all.
4) Rate of 10 the video.
This one doesn't need translation.
5) To what extent the video was original?
This one doesn't need translation.
6) Was the video similar to other promotional videos?
No, this video was unique.
Something similar to another videos.
Is all the same from the other videos.
7) The product or service advertised in the promotional video have aroused your interest?
I was raised a huge interest in the product.
The product has interested me.
I have been interested a bit.
Not at all.
8) You have you changed your opinion about the product or service after seeing the promo video?
Yes, positively.
My opinion is the same.
Yes, negatively.
9) The product or service is advertised as promotional video might be helpful for you, your acquaintances or friends?
To me.
To me and my friends.
Only to my friends.
Not to anyone that I know of.
10) What's your opinion about viral promo videos?
I think positively.
I think neutraly.
I think negatively.
11) The humor in the ad's draws you? Score the usefulness of using humor in advertising.
This one doesn't need translation.
12) What do you think what is the most appropriate duration of a advertising video?
This one doesn't need translation.
13) How often do you see TV?
All the time.
No more than 30 min everyday.
From 30min to 1 hour everyday.
2-3 hours a day.
3-5 hours a day.
Few days a week.
One time a month.
Rarely ever.
I don't have a TV.
14) The Advertising videos posted on the Internet calls your attention?
Not so much.
Not at all.

Link: http://all-encuestas.com/?ref=352335.

DARUJEM: komurkoli

Pozor: Ob prevzemu darovanih predmetov vam priporočamo sklenitev darilne pogodbe, ki si jo lahko natisnete s klikom tukaj. S tem se izognete morebitnim kasnejšim sporom z darovalcem.
Darovalec ima vso pravico izbrati obdarovanca oziroma odkloniti daritev. Na poslani e-mail vam ni dolžan odgovoriti. "Kdor prej pride, prej melje" NE VELJA. Kličite ob razumnih urah (po 9. uri dopoldan ter pred 20. uro zvečer).