Maribor, 04.11.2017:
Pozdravljeni gospod / dame, posamezniki Francozi, Belgijci, Kanadčani, Portugalci, Italijani, švicarski in slovenski.
Smo "investicijska družba", ki išče resne in zanesljive partnerje za naložbe (v obratni smeri) v svoji državi. Želimo, da hodi z donosnih projektov prevoznikov (dobičkonosne), s katerimi bomo delali brez težav za njega, financiranje svojega projekta (svoje). Prav tako odobravamo posojilo (posojilo), da gre za 5000? do 5.000.000 do osebe, ki lahko spoštuje pogoje in povračilo z letom 3%. Če potrebujete denar za projekt, ali iz drugih razlogov, on (ona) je menila, prosto vstopajo (pristop), nas je v stiku (ključ), z več informacij, ljudi, resnih in poštenih. Nahajamo se v Franciji in v Angliji. nas lahko kontaktirate brez e-pošte:
Help finance your projects
Hello sir / ladies, individual French, Belgians, Canadians, Portugués, Italians, Swiss and Slovenian.
We are an "investment company" looking for serious and reliable partners to invest (reverse) in his (her, your) country. We want to walk with the carriers of profitable (profitable) projects with which we will walk without problems for him / her to finance (your) the project. Also we grant a loan (loan) money that they go from 5,000? to 5.000.000 to person able to respect the conditions and the repayment with the interests of year of 3%. If you need money for a project or for other reasons, he (she) thinks freely to enter (approach) us in contact (touch) with for more information, serious and honest people. We are located in France and England. you can contact us not.
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