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Botrstvo - Vrnimo otrokom prihodnost!
Številka oglasa: 297071

Potrebujem: We sell spare parts for the Mini Mark (Baby Mark), Mk8 machine.


We sell spare parts for the Mini Mark (Baby Mark), Mk8 machine.
We make every part for Mini Mark (Baby Mark)

Attention: from 30.10.2023 we will start selling the Mini Mark machine of our production!!!

We also offer a wide range of tobacco cutting machines, tailored to individual needs of the customer.
Our offer includes machines with electric motors as well as manual tobacco cutting machines and also machines for packing, vaporizing and drying as well as for filling cigarette tubes. As a manufacturer, we guarantee the lowest retail and wholesale prices.
The production plant is located in Sosnowiec, Silesian province.
We owe the quality of our products to many years of experience, high-quality materials and precise production machinery.

Pozor: Ob prevzemu darovanih predmetov vam priporočamo sklenitev darilne pogodbe, ki si jo lahko natisnete s klikom tukaj. S tem se izognete morebitnim kasnejšim sporom z darovalcem.
Darovalec ima vso pravico izbrati obdarovanca oziroma odkloniti daritev. Na poslani e-mail vam ni dolžan odgovoriti. "Kdor prej pride, prej melje" NE VELJA. Kličite ob razumnih urah (po 9. uri dopoldan ter pred 20. uro zvečer).